
What is 20 of 1
What is 20 of 1

what is 20 of 1

Babylon's king has it revealed to him all the world empires to exist until Christ's return (Daniel 2:3) and his punishment for being so vain (Daniel 4). King Solomon, while sleeping, is offered by God anything he wants (1Kings 3:5). A person in the Midianite army dreams of Gideon conquered his people (Judges 7). The Egyptian Pharaoh is informed two different times, while he is sleeping, about the country's food stores over the next fourteen years (Genesis 41).

what is 20 of 1

A butler and a baker, in a Egyptian prison, dream what their fates will be (Genesis 40). Joseph dreamt of his brothers bowing before him (Genesis 37:5) then dreamt his parents would do the same (verse 9). Jacob's employer Laban is warned to leave the patriarch alone (Genesis 31:24). Jacob dreams of a ladder to heaven (Genesis 28:12) and is told in a second one to leave his employer (Genesis 31:10). God, through a dream, warned Abimelech not to go near Abraham's wife (Genesis 20:3). The scriptures record at least 20 separate messages conveyed while a person is sleeping. How is the number twenty related to sleep? After he had completed both buildings Solomon gave Hiram, the king of Tyre, twenty cities in the land of Galilee (1Kings 9:10 - 11). Solomon spent seven years building the house of God in Jerusalem and another 13 building his own home for a total number of 20 years. Who were the Essenes? Appearances of the number twenty

What is 20 of 1